Metal Working: Handmade Spurs Custom Made by Bruce Cheaney Gainesville Texas. Handmade spurs made in the bit and spur shop featuring hand formed heel bands and spur shanks. Nickle silver mountings are hand cut and shape to fit the spur shanks and heel bands then hard solder onto the spurs. The finishing touch is cold bluing using Birchwood Casey Perma Blue which really highlights the nickle silver mountings and brand on the custom spurs.
HANDMADE ROPING SPURS by BRUCE CHEANEY – SPUR MAKING – ENGRAVING. Spur making can be a tough job as you can see in the video I stab myself with a hand graver and stop the video to render first aid. After I gather myself up I return to the engraving bench to finish engraving the handmade roping spurs.

Handmade Roping Spurs by Bruce Cheaney
Handmade Spurs. Learn about spur making and the steps involved in making handmade spurs. Start to finish spur making with Bruce Cheaney, Gainesville, Texas. A few shop tools like bench grinder & buffer, belt sander, anvil and stump, cutting torch rig, steel work bench, four inch shop vise, ball peen hammers, pliers and so on and your in business.
Spur making is challenging and at the same time fun and rewarding each time I make a pair of custom spurs I learn something new that I will try on the next pair.
The purpose of this video is to show the viewer “you” the steps of spur making and the transformation that takes place with the joining of steel and blending the welds right through to cleaning up the silver and the engraved spur at the end.
Working with my hands is a way of life for me and if I can encourage a young person or even a old timer to start a craft I have done my job here on earth. Bruce Cheaney
Cowboy Spurs and Their Makers (Centennial Series of the Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University)
Spur Maker – Custom Spurs Engraved with Brand – Bruce Cheaney Handmade Spurs – Review. Handmade roping spurs made of steel with nickle silver mountings hard soldered onto the spur heel bands and shanks. The spurs are handmade from start to finish using the stock removal method for grinding the spur shanks and hand forming the spur heel bands around a metal forming fixture. The spur loops and hangers are also hand formed and riveted into place then the spur buttons are hand peened to the hangers. After the spurs are mounted and polished they are hand engraved using GRS engraving tools. The last step is to make handmade leather spur straps and to them to match the spurs.
Two books you will find my handmade bits and spurs featured in.
Portraits of the American Craftsman
Bits & Spurs: Motifs, Techniques and Modern Makers
Number Four Style Handmade Spurs Made in Gainesville Texas by Bruce Cheaney. Handmade spurs featuring hand cut nickle silver mountings and initials that are hard soldered onto the aircraft alloy heel bands.